The fourth season, released this summer, set the stage for the The Boys' finale, scheduled for 2026. Jack Quaid, who has been part of the cast since the show’s inception, is thrilled that the superhero satire will conclude as planned by showrunner Eric Kripke—not because Amazon canceled it. In a recent interview with THR, Quaid, who plays Hughie, shared:
"I think it's good that we're ending with Season 5 because it's on our own terms. It’s not like someone canceled us, and now we have to rush to make a season that feels like an ending. The showrunner always intended for the story to wrap up with the fifth season, and I’ve known this for a while—I just tried not to spill the beans. There’s something really special about a planned ending, and Season 5 of The Boys is going to be absolutely insane."