Tom Holland, who soared to fame as Spider-Man, is gearing up for his fourth solo film after the success of three blockbusters. The English actor took a brief hiatus after No Way Home, but it seems he can’t fully escape the role. In a recent interview, he shared a story about channeling Peter Parker in real life when he stopped a fight between two men in a Los Angeles supermarket.
“They were going at it, right behind me,” Holland recounted to Men’s Health. Without hesitation, he stepped between the quarrelling men to break it up. “One of them immediately recognized me—you could see the gears turning in his head as he thought, ‘I’m really mad, but Spider-Man is telling me to calm down.’”
Holland described his everyday life with humor, saying, “So yeah, I do go grocery shopping.” The 28-year-old actor, who is set to return as Spider-Man in Spider-Man 4, will also soon take on the role of Odysseus in Christopher Nolan’s upcoming project.