Back in Action has arrived on Netflix, marking Cameron Diaz's return to acting after taking a break since her 2014 role in Annie. The comeback has brought with it a round of promotional interviews, and Diaz isn't holding back: she immediately criticized the newly sworn-in U.S. president, Donald Trump, and the world’s richest man, Elon Musk, while sharing an amusing conspiracy theory. She also spoke about her plans for her career.
In Back in Action, Diaz plays a retired spy who has started a family with another former spy. Jamie Foxx plays her husband, and in a joint interview, Foxx asked Diaz about her favorite conspiracy theories related to espionage and conspiracies. This led Diaz to start talking about how we always imagine aliens as beings with big eyes, large heads, long fingers, no mouths, and telepathic communication.
"And if you think about where we are with technology right now, we’re sitting in front of a monitor, not talking to each other, not needing to talk. And we know we’re going to leave the planet soon because Elon Musk is our new president," she summarized her wide-ranging thoughts, suggesting that the idea of aliens may actually refer to future humanity returning to Earth.
(Musk, of course, comes into the picture due to his SpaceX company, which has set the goal of colonizing Mars, but he still sees tasks on Earth, where he has found an ally in Trump, who envisions a role for Musk in streamlining American government bureaucracy. However, many people are concerned about the influence of such a billionaire on political leadership.)
Whether we’ll hear more of Diaz’s intriguing musings in the future is uncertain, as the actress doesn't seek the spotlight at any cost. When asked if she's fully back in Hollywood, she responded, "It’s hard to say. If I say it, then it makes it real. I reserve the right to say no to any future films, and I also reserve the right to say yes if I feel like it. Nothing is permanent. But I’m open to anything that works for me and my family."
If she continues to act, the star of Search for a Woman and Sweet Little Nothing doesn't want to return to romantic comedies, instead looking for roles that are more suited to her current stage in life. "No more romcoms, just momcoms," she declared. And in her action-comedy with Foxx, she does, in fact, play a mom, so we can consider Back in Action a momcom as well. Diaz is also set to return in two more films: she will voice Fiona again in Shrek 5, due out in December 2026, and she recently filmed a crime-comedy titled Outcome, starring Keanu Reeves and directed by Jonah Hill.