Jude Law on Being in the Star Wars, Harry Potter & Marvel Universes and New Show Skeleton Crew – Hollywood Box Skip to content

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Jude Law on Being in the Star Wars, Harry Potter & Marvel Universes and New Show Skeleton Crew

Jude Law on Being in the Star Wars, Harry Potter & Marvel Universes and New Show Skeleton Crew


Jude talks about loving Thanksgiving, his thoughts on the McRib returning, Black Friday and Halloween becoming a big thing in the UK, being in the Star Wars, Harry Potter & Marvel universes, his new show “Star Wars: Skeleton Crew,” friends and family wanting spoilers, a group of people in charge of the rules in the Star Wars Universe, seeing it through the eyes of children, if his character Jod is a Jedi, playing an FBI agent in his new movie The Order, and what his wife thought of the mustache he grew for the film.

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